Monday, May 23, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend Antique EXTRAVAGANZA!!!

You must save some time for Rhinebeck Antiques Fair May 28 and 29 from Sat., 10-5; Sun., 11-4 @ the Duchess County Fairgrounds in Rhinebeck, NY. If you have never been there, it is a treat. They have another one in the Fall sometime in October when it is nice to go up there for apple picking season also. Put a reminder on your calendar!

Another event not to be missed, and I never do, is Lasdon Memorial Day Antiques Fair May 30th, Mon., 10-5 @ Lasdon Park Arboretum and Veterans' Memorial in Katonah, NY. This one is fun because it usually has delightful musical entertainment, a plant sale, food and kettle corn. The $7 admission fee benefits the Glass House Fund at Lasdon. Visit for directions and get $1 off admission when they email you an invitation.

What excitement and panache if an Allard like this one drove up with the 2 men you see dressed to suit it?
You can see everything and everyone, anytime!

See you there!!!